Before and after jury duty

Jury duty, the one civic obligation that I’m always reluctantly happy to complete.
I'm never excited when I have to appear at the courthouse for jury duty, there's an odd sense of pressure given that I might have to decide if someone is guilty or innocent, responsible or not responsible for something. But for whatever reason, I've never actually had to sit in the jury box, I’m always released before lunch. Oddly enough though, I love walking through the courthouse, it’s filled with so many beautiful “scenes” — I’d love to photograph those spaces. (That’s the part of the experience I’m always happy about.)
In an effort to make the best of the day I brought my camera with me to create a set of images that tell the story of getting to the courthouse.
I genuinely love downtown Bridgeport, the mixed architecture and layout of the city allows for some really interesting light patterns throughout the course of the day. There's literally never a point in the day where there's bad lighting, I can always find interesting shadows or really odd pockets of light that give the storefronts a unique look.
To add a bit of spice, I tossed on a 20% Cinebloom filter from Moment. For those who are unfamiliar, it's a diffusion filter that really softens up all the edges and adds a really nice haze to the overall light. This results in what can sometimes be described as a dreamy look.
Enough rambling, I hope you enjoy these photos.