Getting Back To It

Absence does make the heart grow fonder, and more appreciative.
Apparently it's been just under two months since I last shared a collection of photos from a day of street photography. Coincidently, I can honestly say that it's been just about two months since I last hit the streets to create a set of photos. That's not to say I haven't been creating, I’m always working on refining and furthering my craft and skills as a photographer. It's more of an acknowledgement that I haven't been doing what actually makes me happy as a photographer, which is being outside connecting with the community, being a witness to what's happening in the community and documenting it for the future generations to see.
I’m genuinely committed to being more active in the streets with my camera, there will be more consistency with these postings.
This collection came about because I was roughly 30 minutes early to a meeting, traffic was super light. So, I took the opportunity to walk around the few blocks that surround Housatonic Community College.
Unintentionally, I photographed a lot of architecture, I was chasing the shadows that were created by the mid-morning sun. I was able to find a muse, and create from that source of inspiration throughout my 15 minute walk.
Hope you enjoy this collection of photos, Peace.