A Hidden Gem

“You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all”, this is an expression that continues to lose meaning as I have new experiences. It’s really important to allow yourself to explore and embrace new opportunities, it’s how growth happen.
As a fan of interior design I can always appreciate when a space reflects the personality of its purpose. When I arrived at Dogsname I assumed it would be a cool space given that they’re a design agency, but I didn’t expect the level of personality displayed throughout the office.
True story, one of the first things I mentioned to Luke, owner of Dogsname, was that the space had a very Wes Anderson vibe with its color palette and furniture choices. As I went from room to room I began to see both the cohesive qualities that unified the space overall and unique qualities that made each room special.
Separately, I had been interested in jumping into interior photography for a few months. I always saw interior photography as a way of telling the story of how a group of people collaborate and exist together. As I started to edit these photos I realized the universe put me in that space for a reason, it was confirmation that interior photography was definitely something to explore.
Let me know what you think of this set, I’d appreciate your thoughts.
My favorite space in the office.